Robert Losey and wife Dorothy are both ACBL “Life Masters” and, due to the wonders of stratification, which works like “flights” in local golf tournaments based on your handicap, are multiple sectional, regional, and national tournament winners in their flight(s). Bob wrote, and Dotty edited the following paper that analyzes bidding strategies in team games that employ IMP scoring.
Team Bidding Strategies at Bridge – 2014 PDF
Bidding Strategies for Team Games – Team Bidding Strategies at Bridge – 2014 PDF
This paper analyzes bidding strategies for Knock Out and Swiss Team events (and any other event using IMP scoring) with the goal of determining “best” strategies for bidding games and slams under various conditions. The paper also analyzes the circumstances under which it makes sense to double (or refrain from doubling) contracts. The value added by these analyses relative to other materials on IMPs scoring lies in two areas: 1) A documented (and more refined) analysis of the threshold percentages applicable in bidding and doubling strategies, and 2) A more detailed and careful review of strategies for when (and when not) to double under a variety of circumstances. An annotated bibliography is provided at the end of the paper.
Bob also wrote the following five-page paper (not yet edited by Dotty) that discusses an approach to bidding weak-two bids that provides a more structured bidding process than the often undisciplined approach he previously employed. The goal of this approach is to balance the competing needs for communication with partner, interference with opponents’ bidding, and managing the risk of going set when making weak-two bids.
The Rule of 7-8-9 for Weak-Two Bids in First, Second, (and Third?) Seats